Glow In The Bark (Rainbow Bridge)
Lnl So Stephanie (Rainbow Bridge)
Divine Bliss (Rainbow Bridge)
Tommy Romano (Rainbow Bridge)
Monty(Rainbow Bridge)
Divine Bull "Bullet" (Rainbow Bridge)
RBI Cantu (Rainbow Bridge)

Friday, January 25, 2013

Stephanie's last photo

This is Stephanie's last photo before the Vet came to the house. She never moved from this spot.
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Stephanie's last day

We can't let her suffer anymore and the leg just will not get any better in spite of all of our efforts. Stephanie is in pain all the time and cannot sleep at night. She cries and her eyes are filled with tears. We decided we had to let her go. Dr. Lou came to the house and we said goodbye to our sweet little girl. It was all very peaceful with the other hounds around. She left us knowing that we loved her and it was our love that couldn't see her continue to suffer. She has been a fighter all of her life and made it through some tough illnesses, but this leg problem has been there all the time.
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Thursday, January 24, 2013


In this shot you can see how she doesn't put any weight on her bad leg.
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Stephanie is not using her leg

We have tried everything to relieve her pain in her bad leg and nothing is working.
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Monday, January 14, 2013

Stephanie's x-rays

The x-ray on top is from 8/28/2007 and the bottom one is from 1/14/2013. You can see how the joint has shifted and it was giving her great pain.
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Wednesday, January 09, 2013

Bliss and Bullet will turn 11 years old tomorrow. They still act like puppies though.