Glow In The Bark (Rainbow Bridge)
Lnl So Stephanie (Rainbow Bridge)
Divine Bliss (Rainbow Bridge)
Tommy Romano (Rainbow Bridge)
Monty(Rainbow Bridge)
Divine Bull "Bullet" (Rainbow Bridge)
RBI Cantu (Rainbow Bridge)

Friday, October 28, 2005

Sweet Stephanie

Stephanie is our sweet little girl. She is the most needy of the bunch. She will come dashing into my office looking for me and bump my wrist while I am typing until I spend some time petting her. She loves toys and has her favorite stuffed cheetah we call "baby". She sleeps with it and wants to take it on walks all of the time. When she goes out inthe yard for potty breaks, she always has to take baby with her. She can also be quite aggressive when another dog barks at us when we are walking in the neighborhood. She will want to growl and bark back at the other dog. She also will be the first one to sense another dog making an aggresive move or sound. I have to watch her closely when we meet other dogs. She is also the best hunter of the pack. She will stalk a squirrel walking so slow, that the squirrel barely knows she is there. She has an enormous amount of restraint. None of the other dogs can match this ability. She is a very loving little girl and will let anyone pet her for as long as they want to. Posted by Picasa